Sterling Library Sketch

 The library is amazing. It is my second time here but the architecture still amazed me. This time, apart from enjoying the gothic cathedral-like structure, I focus more on details.

While I was wandering around the corridor, I saw this high-relief sculpture of a man holding a book. And with my curios mind, I read what is written in the book. I expected to see some Hebrew words like in  Yale's coat of arms or maybe some Latin quotes. But what  found was "U. R. A. JOKE"

it's very funny that who ever made this sculpture leave this as a joke. It reminded me on what I had heard about Yale, the buildings were made to look old. Sterling library does serve that, tricking me to expect old Latin phrases, but hilariously trick me with "A JOKE"


  1. Absolutely perfect, Ice. Very nicely done in all respects.


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