My "Wicked" weekend

             Last Saturday, I went to New York with the YSS trip. We intent to go there for there Broadway show "Wicked". This is what I have been waiting for my whole life, being in a Broadway show at the real Broadway street.

A picture of me in the middle of Times Square. It is my first time in New York and in this busy square. Very crowded, scorching temperature, but worth for a lifetime experience. 

The playbill. I was very excited of going to the show. I listened to the soundtrack, watching youtube videos about it and this would be my first time seeing the show. When the overture started, I was  

The wonderful cast of "Wicked". It was a very heart-touching and memorable play. It's obvious why it has been a hit on Broadway for 20 years.

            This trip fulfilled my dreams as a theatre kid in Thailand to have a chance to be in this fabulous show. It is a life-time experience I will never forget.


  1. So very happy you won the lottery and had this experience only you could have appreciated so fully.


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